In the Önden Gidenler program aired on Kanal 7, Ömer Döngeloğlu shared what you need to know about the incident of Karbala with the audience. The questions “Why did Hz. Hussein go to Karbala? What is the incident of Karbala? How did the incident of Karbala take place? Were women martyred in Karbala? What does Ahl al-Bayt mean? Who consists of Ahl al-Bayt? Who did not swear allegiance to Yazid? What did Hz. Zaynab do in Karbala?” were answered in the program. Döngeloğlu burst into tears while telling the incident of Karbala. He said that Hz. Hussein went to Karbala, Iraq and that his sister Hz. Zaynab was with him. He relayed that Hz. Hussein had a dream on the way to Karbala and that he then told Hz. Zaynab to return but that Hz. Zaynab did not leave Hz. Hussein alone. Then, Döngeloğlu talked about Hz. While he was telling that Hussein was killed by Yazid's army, the audience could not hold back their tears at that moment.