Avocado mix with antioxidant effect from Ümit Aktaş and sumac tea recipe that removes edema in the body... Phytotherapy Specialist Dr. Ümit Aktaş, who answered Nur Viral's questions in the program Hayat Her Şey Var on Beyaz TV, locked the audience to the screen with his very important explanations and advice about health. #ÜmitAktaş #Antioxidant #Avocado #EdemaReducingTea Don't forget to like our video and subscribe to our channel! To Subscribe to Hayat Her Şey Var YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/hayattaherseyvar Other Social Media Accounts You Can Follow Us On: Hayat Her Şey Var Facebook: / hayatherseyvar Hayat Her Şey Var Twitter: / varhersey Hayat Her Şey Var Instagram: / hayatherseyvartv