Material: knit or fleece, cotton fabric, acrylic blanket, hot glue, thread and needle, satin bow, felt or Eva for nose and mouth, eyes, measurements: body circle 22 centimeters, head circle 16 centimeters, ears and tail circle 10 centimeters, paws circle 10 centimeters 🤗 don't forget to subscribe, like and share ❤ (note: I do not give suggestions of values for sale 😍😘) #fuxico my Instagram follow me there 😉 https://instagram.com/crispinheiro.of... group ideas and molds https://www.facebook.com/groups/20589... Courses that I highly recommend for those who want to learn and live from crafts 🌷 Crochet and amigurumi course - https://go.hotmart.com/H53352825U Simply amigurumi course - https://go.hotmart.com/J53353621E