FUVEST RESOLUTION (1 PHASE) - CARBON 14 - RADIOACTIVITY (Fuvest) Carbon 14, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of 5,700 years, is constantly generated in the atmosphere from the interaction of neutrons with atmospheric nitrogen. This 14C reacts with O2 and produces 14CO2. Due to its decay and its deposition and formation rates, the proportion of 14CO2 and 12CO2 in the atmosphere is reasonably constant throughout the geological history of the Earth. These gases are absorbed by primary producers through photosynthesis, and the C isotopes are transferred to heterotrophic organisms through the food web. With the burning of fossil fuels, produced millions of years ago, significant amounts of CO2 have been released into the atmosphere, increasing the concentration of this gas. Based on the above, the CO2 emitted from the burning of fossil fuels a) maintains a constant ratio of (_^12)C/(_^14)C in the atmosphere in relation to that found in the pre-industrial period. b) has a higher concentration of 14CO2 in relation to the concentration of atmospheric CO2 found in the pre-industrial period. c) contains equal amounts of 14C and 12C, given that the formation and deposition rates of both are the same. d) increases the ratio of (_^12)C/(_^14)C in the atmosphere in relation to that found in the pre-industrial period. e) contains only 14CO2, which is the real cause of global warming because it is a more efficient greenhouse gas than 12CO2.