“Reading ‘Campo Geral’ allows us to appreciate in its closest ties the affections and agonies of the average Brazilian family, which seeks to imitate the model, with its prejudices and vices, of our patriarchal family. The author, speaking of a particular family, that of Miguilim, in the nest of affections and grudges of Mutum, captures the threats and risks that, in a way, it experiences in general.” These analyzes are made by professor Luiz Roncari, from the Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences (FFLCH) at USP, in the video about the book Campo Geral, by João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), which has just been produced by TV USP . https://jornal.usp.br/tv-usp/campo-ge... ▶ Playlist Books from Fuvest https://bre.is/L8uvAFdP ▶ USP Channel: the best of USP, in a single address on the internet. ▶ Subscribe, like and share! #JornaldaUSP #CanalUSP