Alma, an unknown life form, becomes a celebrated internet star. What is it about her? What kind of life form is she anyway? And why isn't a single one of her numerous, enthusiastic fans interested? And why is Miranda Vasquez - the marine biologist who looks after Alma - the only one who notices? The roles and their speakers: Miranda Vasquez: Alexandra Begau Enrique Ortegaz: Marvin Kopp Helios Navarro: Rainer Denk Maria Perez: Anja Klukas Michele Diaz:: Sarah Oltmanns Peter Donugh: Philip Bösand Barb Donugh: Katharina Koschowsky Mattew: Alex Bolte Announcement: Nadine Most Radio announcer 1: Matthias Heyl Radio announcer 2: Thorsten Möser Viewer 1: Birgit Arnold Viewer 2: Katharina Koschel Viewer 1: Mike Schlünzen Viewer 2: Sascha Servadio Doctor: Manuel Schmitt Driver 1: Jan Borden Driver 2: Max Modritsch Person 1: Inalabru Person 2: Dorle Hoffmann Security man 1: Robert Kerick Security man 2: Max Modritsch Nurse: Birgit Arnold Credits: Alex Bolte A big thank you goes to Falko Diekmann and Stefan Hartlein. Future Chronicles is a radio play series by Frank Hammerschmidt. Idea and script for this episode: Marek Schaedel Sounds, music and production: Eric Onder de Linden Future Chronicles - Alma is a 2022 production by hoerspielprojekt.de - the community for radio play makers. The entire radio play is under the CC license 4.0 (attribution, non-commercial use, no derivatives): Creative Commons - Attribution - Non-Commercial - No Derivatives 3.0 Unported - CC BY-NC-ND 3.0