The sixteenth episode of the Fuse Podcast is hosted by Arash Nalchagar, hosted by Hamed Tavakoli, one of Iran’s most prominent watchmakers. With a background in pure mathematics and journalism, Hamed now narrates the stories behind the scenes of watches with artistic and precise detail. In this fascinating episode, Hamed talks about his professional path, from being a journalist at the Chelcheragh newspaper to focusing on his deep passion for watches. He takes us to a different world where the history, art, and technology of watches are beautifully narrated. This conversation is full of inspiring moments for lovers of time and art. If you are interested in the world of watches, artistic storytelling, or discovering the stories hidden in objects, don’t miss this episode! Hamed Tavakoli channel address @hmdtvkli --------------------------------- Our social networks ???? telegram https://t.me/fusepodcast ???? Instagram / fuse.podcast ???? Twitter / fuse_podcast --------------------------------- contributions - cooperation ???? https://paypal.me/persianpoetry ???? https://reymit.ir/fusepodcast ---------------------------------