↓Original video↓2023/10/19 [VALORANT] Full party again today [VSPO! / Komori Meto] https://www.youtube.com/live/YOmZucO9... 00:00 Raid-kun gets laughed at just for talking01:19 Ari-san gets flustered lol02:40 Shorty Boy Kinako03:32 The four Meruems05:26 Shrimp and crabs that are too confusing07:54 EDM Meto09:51 Kinako and the others change the world from 7-1111111125:54 Ari-san doesn't want Raid-kun to bleach his hair13:01 Meto becomes a strong master14:51 Kinako with 0 kills17:48 Hina is out, Ren-kun is in18:55 The four are influenced by Meto's phantom19:57 Meto is left behind by Raid-kun21:55 Ari-san is too kind to go along with the conversation23:28 Ren-kun loses his temper for the second time24:59 Raid-kun's super hot ACE YouTube channel @Met_Komori Twitch channel / met_komori @hinanotachiba7 @ExAlbio@Arisakaaa @ren_kisaragi__ @kinapoppo @Shirayuki_Reid V.S.P.O.! Permission number: 02795 Sound effect material DOVA-SYNDROME https://dova-s.jp/_contents/agreement/ #KomoriMeto #Arisaka #KisaragiRen #Kinako #TachibanaHinano #ShirayukiRaid #Cutout #V.S.P.O. #NeoPorte #Valorant