Gus Baha or the owner of the full name KH Ahmad Bahauddin Nursalim. Gus Baha's name often appears on social media. Gus Baha is a favorite student of the late charismatic cleric, Syaikhina KH Maemoen Zubair or Mbah Moen, the caretaker of the Al Anwar Sarang Rembang Islamic Boarding School. Gus Baha is the son of the late Hj Yuchanidz Nursalim. Gus Baha is a cleric who has memorized the 30 juz of the Al Quran. He is one of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) clerics from Narukan, Kragan, Rembang, Central Java (Jateng). Gus Baha is known as one of the expert clerics of interpretation who has in-depth knowledge of the Al Quran. Gus Baha is an expert in interpretation, a national expert council of interpretation with a non-formal background, and an expert in interpretation whose boarding school was only in the archipelago. Gus Baha is the son of a scholar of the Quran, KH Nursalim Al-Hafizh from Narukan, Kragan, Rembang, Central Java, a village on the north coast of Java. #gusbaha #gusbahaterbaru #ngajigusbaha #gusbaha Lucu #gusbahadesember2022 #gusbaha2022 #gusbaha2023 #sagaparawali #ceritafulukissaatGusBaha #AhliFilsafatSowanGusBaha #sowanGusBaha #AhliFilsafat