Fabiana Carelli, from the Department of Classical and Vernacular Languages at FFLCH/USP, talks to Rodrigo Simon about Memórias do Cárcere, by Graciliano Ramos. The posthumous work (the book, in four volumes, was released in 1953, after the author's death on March 20) portrays the period in which Graciliano was imprisoned (between March 1936 and January 1937) under accusation, never formalized, of involvement in the Communist Intentona of 1935. From Monday to Friday at 9 am and 8 pm, the Estúdio Univesp program brings interviews, debates, special reports, news and a summary of the programming on UNIVESP TV. The channel for those who want to know more and always learn! Also watch at http://univesptv.cmais.com.br/ Tune in to UNIVESP TV through the digital channels of TV Cultura's multiprogramming. In São Paulo, the channel is 2.2. Santos - Guaruja, channel 3.2, Ribeirão Preto, 4.2.