PRESA FUNCIONAL IS THE BEST Hello, welcome to another video from the Santa Morte kennel. Today we'll talk a little about how the selection of the Presa Funcional works. We'll show you the phobia, a beautiful brindle female, a puppy that recently arrived here at the kennel. She has a lot of energy, she even looks like a Mali (keeping the proper proportions, lol). I'll show you a little about the Carnicero de Santa Morte, a dog that is evolving more and more in terms of muscle and temperament every day. We'll also have the first Molosser seminar in Brazil, and everyone is invited to participate. Oh, and I'll soon be going to Turkey to film the Kangal and many other breeds that you like, like the Boz Shepherd, etc. I ask that you share the channel's video on this trip so that your friends can get to know them too. COMMENT, COMMENT!!! Don't forget to leave your like, okay? Do you want shirts and caps? 83 8783-4790 RESPONSE TO CANE CLUB AND MANUEL CURTÓ • RESPONSE TO CANE CLUB KENNEL AND MANUEL... IS THE DOGO ARGENTINO A GOOD GUARD? PODCAST • IS THE DOGO ARGENTINO A GOOD GUARD? PODCAST TELEGRAM Channel https://t.me/santapresa Offered by IBC & Natural Formula Subscribe and leave your like ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ our Instagram @presa.santamorte www.bandog.com.br Our partner in collars and accessories ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ For more information, contact us #presacanario #dogoargentino #canilsantamorte