Before and after surgery images of our patient with back and leg pain and weakness in the foot. It is possible to return to normal life immediately with Fully Closed Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery. You can watch the long and original versions of our videos on our Youtube channel. In the fully closed full endoscopic Discectomy method, only the hernia is removed without damaging any tissue in the body and the nerve is relaxed. You can walk immediately after the surgery and be discharged after 2 o'clock. An entry is made from only ONE 5 mm place and it is closed without stitches. I recommend returning to normal work after the 5th day and heavy work after the 4th week. There is no restriction for excessive weight, age or additional disease (diabetes, heart, etc.) in this surgery technique. Canal Narrowing can also be eliminated with the same technique. #completelyclosedlumbardiscectomysurgery #completelyclosedcanalrupture #fullendoscopicdiscectomy #fullendoscopicdiscectomy #lumbardischerniation #completelyclosedlumbarslipsurgery #completelyclosedneckhernia