The latest work by Director Daisuke Ueda and Producer Terumi Miyata, who produced "The True Intentions of Ace Attorney" and "Family Torn Apart", is now available in full! <The world of "criminal justice" pursued by a "lawyer journalist" 🔎> • [The world of "criminal justice" pursued by a "lawyer journalist"] ■ Wandering Faith ~The source was left to die~ Narration: Yasuo Toyoda Director: Daisuke Ueda Photography: Tsutomu Nojima Editing: Koji Hotta Producer: Terumi Miyata KTV "The Document" Broadcast on July 12, 2024 ■ Award Galaxy Award Encouragement Award <The Document Official Page> https://www.ktv.jp/document/240712.html ---------------------------------------------------------------- In Kagoshima, the police are now conducting forced searches on media outlets and identifying sources. It has become a major issue surrounding the "concealment of sources". However, an incident in which a media source was revealed in a forced search also occurred in Nara 17 years ago. In 2007, Kodansha published "I Decided to Kill My Dad." The Ministry of Justice took issue with the book because it quoted a statement from a juvenile arson case that had killed a mother and three children in Tawaramoto Town, Nara Prefecture, the previous year. The prosecution conducted a forced search of the home of the journalist who wrote the book, Atsuko Kusanagi, and the source of information, Dr. Seizo Sakihama, a psychiatrist, was arrested and indicted on suspicion of disclosing secrets. The unexpected turn of events caused the beliefs of those involved in the publication to waver. Dr. Sakihama was in charge of the psychiatric evaluation of the juvenile in the arson case, and determined that a "developmental disorder" had influenced the crime. The family court rejected the prosecution's argument that the crime should be prosecuted in a criminal trial, and accepted Dr. Sakihama's evaluation. An unusual protective measure (commission to a juvenile detention center) was handed down. At the trial, Dr. Sakihama claimed that he had shown the statement to "dispel the misunderstanding that the juvenile was a murderer." Meanwhile, outside the courtroom, media criticism was directed at the author Kusanagi's "interviewing methods." In 2012, Dr. Sakihama was found guilty and lost his medical license for one year. In court, Dr. Sakihama said, "I have no regrets." Did his conviction ever waver? And how did the media deal with the intervention of public authority in "freedom of expression"? After 17 years of silence, the parties involved speak for the first time in front of the camera. #MyDad #DevelopmentalDisorder #Source #CrimeLeakingSecrets #Kodansha #KusanagiAtsuko #NaraJuvenileArsonCase #SakihamaMorizo #ForensicDoctor