Economist Musa Ghaninejad, an advocate of a free and competitive economy, and Masoud Derakhshan, a faculty member of the Allameh Tabatabaei School of Economics, faced each other on the Jahan-Ara television program. From the perspective of observers, this confrontation exposed the boundary between science and ideology. Derakhshan says that liberal thought is evil and is the cause of the Iranian economy’s troubles. However, referring to the beliefs of the Tudeh Party at the beginning of the revolution, Ghanijejad read that some principles and policies were derived from this thought and considered the address of today’s issues to be the communist view and its alliance with crony capitalism. Derakhshan: There is no change in the structure of the Iranian economy because there is no revolutionary spirit among the officials. I am in favor of an Islamic economy, meaning that the Planning Organization and the Central Bank should act Islamically. Ghanijejad: Incidentally, the Iranian economy is capitalist, but not competitive, but crony capitalism. This is also the cause of the country’s problems. The root of this must be sought in the constitution, which was influenced by the leftist movement at the beginning of the revolution.