JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - These are the military attractions displayed in the 79th TNI Anniversary. The 79th TNI Anniversary was held at the National Monument, Jakarta on Saturday (5/10/2024). A number of actions were displayed including the action of TNI soldiers descending from Monas, Drone theatricals, Parachuting to Jupiter aerobatic actions. #hut79tni #tni #huttni #monas KompasTV friends, don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to the KompasTV YouTube channel, also activate the notification bell so you don't miss updates on current issues in Indonesia. Don't miss KompasTV's 24-hour non-stop live streaming at https://www.kompas.tv/live. In order not to miss the latest, most complete news, and live reports from various regions in Indonesia, let's subscribe to the KompasTV YouTube channel. Also activate the bell so you can get notifications of the latest videos from KompasTV. KompasTV friends can also get the latest information via the website: www.kompas.tv KompasTV social media: Facebook: / kompastv Instagram: / kompastv Twitter: / kompastv TikTok: / kompastvnews