The Whole Storyline of the Game Subnautica (2014) Subnautica is an open world survival game by Unknown Worlds Entertainment that tells the story of an engineer named Riley Robinson who is stranded on a foreign planet called 4546B, after an accident in the middle of a rescue mission for the Degasi spaceship. While waiting for help to arrive, he tries to survive by exploring, crafting, collecting materials, and meeting alien sea creatures. But unbeknownst to him, a great mystery awaits him #subnautica #game #droomp #gamestoryline #plot Subscribe - / @droomp Support us through the link below (Don't Use Your Parents' Money) https://saweria.co/droomp Follow us: Twitter - / droomp1 Instagram - / droomp1 Timestamp: 00:00 - 01:25 Intro 01:26 -10:44 Backstory 10:45 - 15:40 Main Story 15:41 -16:47 Outro Credits: Michael J. Gets The Job Done - • Subnautica - Full Story / All Achiev... US Gamer - https://www.usgamer.net/articles/subn... Music Used: SUBNAUTICA - Full Soundtrack (TP8EVIL) - • SUBNAUTICA - Full Soundtrack OST - Mu... Stay Romp!