Recording: 07-31-2024 Banyumasan Shadow Puppet Master: Ki Gendroyono Pelumutan Actors: Wahyu Setiyaning Karawitan: Wijaya Laras from Pelumutan Village Kemangkon Purbalingga Production: Rakafm Purbalingga ----------------------------------------------------- IT IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN Re-broadcasting or re-uploading/re-uploading part or all of this video for commercial or monetization purposes without permission. -------------------------------------------------- Rakafm Purbalingga arts and culture channel especially Banyumasan hopefully the content on our channel can be beneficial for all your participation and support through SUBSCRIBE, like, share & comment we express our gratitude, may your fortune be made easy, aamiin. -------------------------------------------------- #rakafmpurbalingga #dalanggendroyono #livewayangkulit #wayangbanyumasan #livewayangmalamini #livestreaming #livewayangkulitbanyumasan