JAKARTA, KOMPAS.TV - The Constitutional Court (MK) has decided to remove the presidential threshold provision of 20 percent of DPR seats or 25 percent of valid national votes in the previous election as a requirement for nominating a presidential and vice presidential candidate. With this decision, all political parties participating in the election now have the same rights to nominate presidential and vice presidential candidates. The decision was conveyed by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, Suhartoyo, in the trial of case number 62/PUU-XXI/2023 which was held at the Constitutional Court Building, Central Jakarta, on Thursday (2/1/2025). Although the Constitutional Court (MK) has removed the presidential threshold, the Constitutional Court judges stated that the DPR still has the authority to carry out constitutional engineering in regulating the requirements for presidential nominations. One possible proposal is to impose sanctions on political parties that do not nominate presidential candidates, in the form of a ban on participating in the next election. To discuss this matter, watch the full dialogue with Perludem, Political Expert Adi Prayitno and the General Chairperson of the Bulan Bintang Political Party in the following broadcast. #mk #presidentialthreshold #politicalparties Also Read: PBB Ketum's Response to MK Eliminating Presidential Threshold, All Political Parties Can Nominate Presidential Candidates at https://www.kompas.tv/nasional/564184... This article can be viewed at: https://www.kompas.tv/nasional/564191...