Collaboration with Onikoshi Tomahawk! When Mitorizu asked Lily about his life story...a number of Sakai's crazy behaviors were revealed! #MitorizuDiscoveryChannel #OnikoshiTomahawk #Life★Click here to watch the video of Onikoshi Tomahawk asking Lily about his life story! • One of the most popular comedians, Mitorizu Lily, was asked about his life story and found out he's been a popular guy since childhood [Onikoshi... ★MDC LINE stamps are now on sale!! ★ https://store.line.me/stickershop/pro... ★Moriyama's personal channel★ [Mitorizu Moriyama Prime Video] / @moriyama_primevideo ★Official Twitter account now open. Please follow us★ / mtrz_discovery [Moriyama] Twitter: / morishimc Instagram: / morishimc [Lily] Twitter: / mtrzlily Instagram: / mtrzlily