Ao Hikota, known for his Hikotan Smile and his "supplement voice" that gives energy to the listener, resonates in his new single "Ukiyogarasu," his first in 1 year and 5 months. This is his first attempt at a work by Hideo Mizumori, a composer he had admired since before his debut! Ao Hikota, who has also tried his hand at acting and rakugo, and is well-known for his acting skills, will perform the world of Matatabi with a refreshing and pleasant intonation. Please pay attention to the lines! Ao Hikota "Ukiyogarasu" Released on October 4, 2023 12 CDS / TKCA-91530 Amazon → https://amzn.to/3LRbbcj 1. Ukiyogarasu Lyrics: Kyosuke Kuni Composition: Hideo Mizumori Arrangement: Koichi Takeuchi 2. Lighthouse Lyrics: Kyosuke Kuni Composition: Hideo Mizumori Arrangement: Koichi Takeuchi 3. Ukiyogarasu (Original Karaoke) 4. Lighthouse (Original Karaoke) 5. Ukiyogarasu (Half-tone Down Karaoke) 6. Lighthouse (Half-tone Down Karaoke) [Tokuma Japan Communications Official Artist Page] https://www.tkma.co.jp/enka_top/aoi_h...