Flordelis dos Santos de Souza breaks her silence and speaks exclusively to Conexão Repórter. Roberto Cabrini comes face to face with the central figure in the crime that reveals a complex plot of betrayal, sex, black magic, money and power. This is the first interview with the pastor and federal deputy after being accused of ordering her husband's murder. The news program presents Flordelis' statements, made over two days and in different settings, in more than four hours of recordings. The program portrays the rise and beginning of the fall of the 59-year-old woman, who has 55 biological and adopted children, and an empire of churches built alongside pastor Anderson do Carmo. The parliamentarian agrees to accompany Cabrini to the crime scene and shows him exclusively the house with 30 bedrooms and 3 annexes, in addition to reconstructing, side by side with the reporter, the details of that night. The viewer will see what she has to say about the series of messages sent from her phone to her children, where she always speaks of her husband in pejorative tones, in a plot so complex that it resulted in the indictment of 11 people, of which only the pastor is free.