Felix and Tatev ask Mushegh to return them the money that Felix's father sent to purchase an apartment. But Mushegh resists, saying that he will only transfer the money to them when he gets permission from his father. Realizing that they will not be able to easily take the money from Mushegh, Felix and Tatev decide to steal the money. Felix and Tatev ask Mushegh to return them the money that Felix's father sent to purchase an apartment. But Mushegh resists saying that this money will be given to them only after he receives permission from his father. Felix and Tatev ask Mushegh to return them the money that Felix's father sent to purchase an apartment. But Mushegh resists saying that this money will be given to them only after he receives permission from his father. Realizing that they cannot easily take the money from Mushegh, Felix and Tatev decide to steal this amount.