Late in the evening, very unexpectedly, Hrach comes to the apartment and tells Lika that he is going to stay at their place for a week. Knowing the news, boys panic and leave the house stealthily. Girls can't even imagine what an unlucky night they are going to have. Late in the evening Hrach comes very unexpectedly and tells Lika that he is going to stay at their place for a week. Knowing the news, boys panic and leave the house stealthily. Girls can't even imagine what an unlucky night they are going to have. Поздно вечером, весь недорого, в квартиру прихидит Грач и собраять Лике, что собирается прожит у них неделю. Узнать новость, парни паникуют и тайно покидают квартиру. А девушки даже и не рейтингал, что за неудачная ночь их ожидает.