The accusations of the victim being involved in a brawl, to the intimidation of the family of the student who was shot by the police in Semarang, raise questions. What prompted the police to cover up the real facts? If the case of the police shooting the student in Semarang was an attempt to obscure the facts, it was different with the shooting of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Solok Police, West Sumatra, by his senior colleague due to illegal mining backing. Meanwhile, the spotlight on the National Police institution lately, is not only on criminal cases involving its members but also the emergence of the term Parcok or Brown Party which is accused of being mobilized in the simultaneous Pilkada. Rosianna Silalahi invited the Deputy Chief of Police for the 2011-2013 period, Commissioner General (Ret.) Nanan Soekarna. Watch in ROSI eps. Uniforms and Weapons, Where are the Limits? Airing Thursday, December 5, 2024 at 20.30 WIB on KompasTV.