Channel subscription link: / @almunthirsaffan Follow us on our channel on Telegram: https://t.me/BeProOo Be Professional Group on Facebook: / 166426910643767 =========== Notion website: https://www.notion.so/ Download Notion for Windows: https://www.notion.so/desktop/windows... Download Notion for Mac: https://www.notion.so/desktop/mac-uni... Download Notion for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Download Notion for IOS: https://apps.apple.com/app/notion-not... =========== Video timeline 00:00 Introduction 00:51 Create an account on the Notion website 01:48 Explanation of the main interface of Notion 03:01 Create a travel page 12:34 Explanation of the YouTube channel organization project 21:52 Ready-made templates =========== Follow us on our website www.BePro.training And also follow us on social media: Facebook: / almfs Twitter: / almunthir LinkedIn: / almunthir - +ــ+ــ+ - + ...