Earn money quickly without working hard - with the help of your own online business, this should be possible. #amazon FBA (Fullfillment by Amazon) provides the infrastructure for this. The concept: One person can order products from China and hand over the entire logistics directly to Amazon without the retailer ever seeing the goods. In plain language, this means: I can move huge quantities of goods from my laptop at home and earn a lot of money that way. At least that's what several online coaches who advertise their services on YouTube and TikTok claim. In their videos, they present their expensive watches and big cars. They are supposed customers who claim to have made up to a hundred thousand euros a month with the help of the coaches. Reporter Carolin von der Groeben wants to find out what's behind the hype. She meets Timo, a successful FBA retailer in his early 20s, and has him show her exactly how FBA works. She also visits Nicklas, FBA coach: He earns his money primarily by showing others how to get rich with FBA. But FBA is not a successful concept for everyone: Frank lost a lot of money through FBA. --------- Author: Carolin von der Groeben Editing: Laura Will Camera: Anne Thiele, Ilhan Coscun, Michael Stragies CvD: Lea Semen --------- Music used: Post Malone Congratulations // Marlo Grosshardt Christian Linder // KIZ Geld // Alle Farben Carmine Red // ABBA Money, Money, Money // FINCH Club Acapulco // Moderat Easy Pray // Oliver Koletzki Spiritual but not religious // Finnel Geringverdiner --------- ► Further information and sources: Why German Amazon sellers use FBA - and why not: https://www.internetworld.de/plattfor... What exactly is FBA? https://www.smart-minded.com/business... Amazon's monopoly position: https://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaf... https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaf... --------- We are the Y-Kollektiv - a network of young journalists. In our web reports we show the world as we experience it. We make research transparent. ► You can SUBSCRIBE to us here: https://goo.gl/8yBDdh ► Y-ZWEI: / @y-zwei ► INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/y_kollektiv... ► FACEBOOK: / ykollektiv ► Y-KOLLEKTIV PODCAST: https://www.ardaudiothek.de/sendung/y... --------- ► #ykollektiv belongs to #funk: YouTube: / funkofficial Instagram: / funk TikTok: / funk Website: https://go.funk.net Imprint: https://go.funk.net/impressum A production of sendefähig GmbH // http://sendefaehig.com // / sendefaehig