▼Members-only making-of videos and more can be found here↓↓↓ / @toyamatv ▼Toyama's playground! The original shop is here↓↓↓ https://toyama.theshop.jp/ ▼For accommodation in Toyama, try "Iruka Hostel" (used for filming)↓↓↓ https://irukahostel.com/ ▼You can find out all about Toyama on the web↓↓↓ https://toyama-asbb.com/ ▼For more information on Sada Arisa, click here↓↓↓ https://arisasada.wixsite.com/stereot... ▼For more information on Tsuda Nayuko, click here↓↓↓ https://www.una-jyo.com/ ▼For more information on Bainyako, click here↓↓↓ https://webtan.org/ ▼For companies, Toyama's playground! Why not collaborate with TV to produce an interesting video? If you're interested, please visit our website! (We also undertake video production and editing) https://toyama-asbb.com/about-us