www.meddeonline.de - Live exam simulations every week in our course! Register for the FSP course 2023 - you can join the course at any time! This simulation includes all the essential parts of a real exam. Would you like to experience the same? Book an exam simulation (58€) with our team. Exam simulations every week! (more than 100 audit cases!) MEDDEOnline UG (limited liability) Cheruskerring 8, 48147 Münster Email: [email protected] Telephone: +491627800631 (We do not offer telephone support) Company information: Tax number: 337/5955/1479 VAT ID: DE350823411 Register court: Münster Register number: HB20067 External links: Despite careful checking of any linking or embedding, MEDDEOnline UG (limited liability) accepts no liability for the content of third-party websites. The operators of third-party websites are solely responsible for their content, even if they are linked to or embedded in meddeonline.com and/or its subpages. Sources: Getty Images