???????????? Are you looking for the best basketball book EVER? WHAT IS THE NBA? is available! ➡️ https://vroomoriginals.com FROM PRISON TO THE TOP THE NBA - THE FLASHBACK #67 - ALLEN IVERSON Welcome everyone to the flashback, the show that tells the legendary moments in the history of sport. Today, we tell you the story of a legendary Cross made on the GOAT. An anthology moment. When a childhood dream came true. When a kid who life predicted nothing good became the idol of a generation. So we take our trusty time machine, direction the CoreStates Center in Philadelphia on March 12, 1997. The day Allen Iverson made a smashing entrance into the NBA. Ready? Let's go! The Crossover is a channel imagined by vroom originals. Written by: Vincent Poulain Narrated by: Selim El Mellah Edited by: Hugo Hartmann Perrenot Editor in Chief: Hossein Adibi Follow us! Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/7BWeWyo... TikTok: / lecrossovernba Instagram: / le_crossover Twitter: / le_crossover