Fear is an unpleasant feeling, but mostly a very useful and important one. There is a wide spectrum of fear-related feelings, from excessive anxiety, worry, nighttime brooding, attacks of panic to flashbacks of fear of death. At what point do doctors speak of an anxiety disorder, how does blocking fear arise and what ways are there to escape the vicious circle? Those affected initially act intuitively in a way that increases their fear. The actually simple treatment approaches often prove to be very laborious in practice. Even if it takes a lot of courage, fear treatment is very successful. After getting used to fear for a long time, the question remains as to what can fuel the feelings in such a strong way and which need can really be satisfied. Dr. Hopf explains the background and conditions of the various anxiety disorders from his experience as chief physician. He heads the Nikolassee Private Psychosomatic Clinic and is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy.