I'm back in Zurich to have a chat with Mr. Rip, since we last saw each other he opened a YouTube channel, resigned, created a startup and much more! What would Rip do if he won the lottery? • What would I do if I won the LOTTERY ????@... Follow me on instagram / marcelloascani to know what I do in real time My course to grow on YouTube! http://link.marcelloascani.com/TubeMa... To submit your channel / business project http://link.marcelloascani.com/AreaBu... Commercial proposals [email protected] Consulting requests: https://marcelloascani.com/preventivo/ 00:00 Intro/Mr. Rip 00:58 Arrival in Zurich (Taxi + Hotel) 01:20 Meeting with Mr. Rip 02:26 Dinner at Johanniter and questions for Giorgio 04:39 Live with Mr. Rip + consultancy 06:43 Waking up and breakfast at the hotel 07:15 Let's calculate my net worth in Mr Rip's new office 10:26 New office, Start up and questions 11:51 Out for lunch 13:19 What can you buy with €1 in Zurich?