In this video I share with you how I spend my time in Russia, in my hometown of Naro-Fominsk, as well as in the dear cities of Obninsk and Selyatino. I tell and show the house where I was born and raised, my school and kindergarten. In this video I have been in Russia for 2 weeks already, and my German husband has flown in to visit me. He flew on an electronic visa, via Baku. Link to the video where I talk about traveling via Estonia: • FROM GERMANY TO MOSCOW VIA ESTONIA. P... Link to the First part of the video with walks around my native places (the cities of Naro-Fominsk and Maloyaroslavets): • FROM GERMANY TO RUSSIA. NARO-FOMINSK. M... Link to Part Two, where I also walk around Naro-Fominsk, sell an apartment, meet with friends: • FROM GERMANY TO RUSSIA. Selling an Apartment... Thank you for your attention and support! __________________________________________ #fromgermanytorussia #fromgermanytomoscow #lifeingermany #electronicvisatorussia #tomoscowviabaku #russiansingermany #narofominsk #obninsk #selyatino