Fact sheet on basil. I tell you everything about basil; sowing, planting, maintenance, harvesting, conservation, cooking, etc. Training questionnaire: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FA... Learn, understand and succeed in your garden for beginners. Tell me in your comments what you think. Tell me what topic would interest you. The more of you there are, the better the channel will be. Thank you to all my subscribers and future ones. Rodolphe. In the description, I have selected products for you on gardening. MY WEBSITE ▶ http://www.lejardinderodolphe.fr/ ➜ LEGAL NOTICES: This description contains affiliate links. If you use these links for your purchases, the price of your basket remains the same, but I receive a small commission, which allows you to support the development of the channel. Thank you.