The animated series Friendship is Magic - A collection of cartoons about the adventures of My Little Pony - it's more fun together in Ponyville! Pinkie cooks, then plays sports with Rainbow and Fluttershy, and then goes on a boat ride with Apple Jack and Rarity - though it won't be easy to tell about it. But that's okay! Princess Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow, along with their friends and the irreplaceable Spike, go through new trials and tests of friendship for strength, learn from their own and others' mistakes along the way and manage to help each other despite any differences and contradictions! It's not easy to understand and appreciate each other, but that's what friendship is! Watch new collections and cartoons on the Friendship is Magic channel! Subscribe to the Friendship is Magic channel to stay up to date with new cartoons about Little Pony: https://www.youtube.com/c/Friendshipi... ???? All episodes of the animated series My Little Pony: • Cartoons My Little Pony. Friendship... ???? Season 1 My Little Pony: • Friendship is Magic season 1⭐. Cartoon... ???? Season 2 My Little Pony: • Friendship is Magic season 2⭐. Cartoon... ???? Season 3 My Little Pony: • Friendship is Magic season 3⭐. Cartoon... ???? Season 4 My Little Pony: • Friendship is Magic season 4⭐. Cartoon... ???? Season 5 My Little Pony: • Friendship is Magic season 5⭐. Cartoon... ???? Season 6 My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 6⭐. Cartoon... ???? Collections My Little Pony: • Collections of cartoons My Little Pony Watch other interesting cartoon series online: ???? Cartoons about Littlest Pet Shop: • ????Cartoons Littlest Pet Shop (Littl... ???? Transformers: / @transformersrussian ???? Chuck and his friends cars: / @chuckandfriendsrussia