Today we are going to compare the calories of fried Nuggets vs baked and healthier Nuggets. The recipe is here in the description so you can try it at home :) Insider Coupon: LEOABREU (12% off) Link: https://bit.ly/SelecaoInsider_LeoAbreu If you have any questions or have difficulty using the coupon, you can chat with support of the brand on the website! ???? Nuggets Ingredients: 350g chicken breast 1 Onion 4 Garlic Cloves Zest of 1 Tahiti or Sicilian Lemon Parsley, Basil and Chives to taste Salt and Black Pepper to taste 1/2 tablespoon Smoked Paprika 1/2 tablespoon sweet paprika soup Want to know more? Follow me on Instagram @leeooabreu Production: Filming and editing direction: @fabianosperotto @frestafilmes