???? I warn you, this material touches on politics! How is it actually with Internet censorship, both in Poland and around the world? What methods are used, at such a technical level, to limit access to information? And does everyone have the right to simply be an idiot on the Internet? I invite you! Sources: ???? Internet censorship map, Comparitech https://bit.ly/3GWmL28 ???? Internet censorship around the world https://bit.ly/3th7Sli ???? How does the Great Firewall of China work? https://bit.ly/3zgdPCR ???????? The Great DNS Wall of China, G. Lowe, P. Winters, ML Marcus https://bit.ly/3H8bYlz ???? How Big is the Great Firewall? Usenix https://bit.ly/38RoEjQ ???? Map (trends) of Internet freedom, but not only https://bit.ly/3mgpgTl ???????? Constitution of the Republic of Poland https://bit.ly/3tk6vCq ???? Preventive censorship, allegations of the portal wolnymedia.net https://bit.ly/3x2aZhO ❌ @ZaufanaTrzeciaStronaYT on the blocking of portals by the ABW https://bit.ly/3Mlg9eK ???? Telecommunications Law Act https://bit.ly/3NjhVOC ???? List of blocked gambling sites by @MinisterstwoFinansow https://bit.ly/3xluPpN ???? @ZaufanaTrzeciaStronaYT on the blocking of gambling sites https://bit.ly/3mjQ1q0 ???? Refusal access to the draft act @PanoptykonPL https://bit.ly/3tcFil1 ???? @NiebezpiecznikTV on the blocking of websites by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority https://bit.ly/3xc6yRI ???? @PanoptykonPL on the increasingly widespread blocking of websites https://bit.ly/3Mg4TjG ⚖️ What is ACTA? https://bit.ly/3tif3JL ???? @ZaufanaTrzeciaStronaYT on ABW censoring access to the website with Minister Dworczyk's emails https://bit.ly/3aHZVz7 ???? List of malicious websites provided by @CERTPolska https://bit.ly/38VLBCA ???? Iraq shuts down the Internet for a school exam https://bit.ly/3x8HZ8m ???? Differences between DNS over TLS and DNS over HTTPS https://bit.ly/3GVolkt If you don't trust shortened links (very good!) add a plus '+' at the end of them. This way you can see where they lead on the bit.ly website. Related xkcd: https://xkcd.com/1357/ © All trademarks belong to their rightful owners. Thank you for your attention. ❤️ You can also find me on; Instagram @mateuszemsi / mateuszemsi Twitter @MateuszChrobok / mateuszchrobok LinkedIn @mateuszchrobok / mateuszchrobok Patronite @MateuszChrobok https://patronite.pl/MateuszChrobok Podcasts on; Anchor https://anchor.fm/mateusz-chrobok Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/6y6oWs2... Apple Podcasts https://apple.co/3OwjvOh Thank you for the hospitality Rosa Food Truck / @jareklorek_ from the arcades of the Upper Silesian Cultural Center! #censorship #freedom #privacy #internet Chapters: 00:00 Intro 01:41 Censorship 02:12 China 03:59 Methods - IP blocking 04:47 Methods - DNS poisoning 05:45 Methods - Filtering 06:42 Methods - Analog 08:10 Poland 09:12 wolnymedia.net 12:00 Minister Dworczyk 12:42 Gambling 15:00 ACTA 16:43 Blacklists 17:50 CERT 19:07 Conclusions 23:32 What to do and How to live?