Freediving with @FritzMeinecke in the Azores Robert Marc Lehmann Click here to go to Fritz: / @fritzmeinecke Why were we in the Azores in the first place? Robert had a specific assignment for a large, international environmental protection organization (IFAW): documenting marine mammals and sharks for two international campaigns to protect them. Robert invited Fritz to accompany him and his cameraman Nicolai Deutsch... What started out as a joke quickly became serious ;-) And Fritz Meinecke eventually had to become Fritz Hainecke... All recordings were made under professional permission from the government of the Azores. ???? Mission Earth Shop: https://missionerde.shop/ ????Robert Marc Lehmann: https://www.robertmarclehmann.com/ https://missionerde.de/ / robert_marc_lehmann https://www.instagram.com/robertmarcl... Advertising: AMpri (www.ampri.de) supports Robert and his Mission Earth. Thank you very much!