We take a detailed look at the ideal shower with unique features. Free floor heating and a warm wall on a schedule, a Yandex column in the ceiling, no sides and a practical use of small glass without doors. Finishing in Moscow and St. Petersburg: https://otdelochnoe.com 00:00 - Introduction 01:06 - Redevelopment in a small apartment 02:12 - Height of the tray and slopes of the sewer 03:10 - Tray without sides 04:12 - Installing a drain without cutting tiles 05:15 - Installing a cabinet in the same plane as the walls 06:42 - Warm wall on schedule 07:20 - Free shower heating 08:33 - Tray made of large-format porcelain stoneware 09:20 - To prevent water from leaking out 09:44 - Porcelanosa Oxford tiles 11:01 - Installing glass in the shower 12:16 - Yandex Alice in the shower ceiling 13:45 - Jamb with platband 14:17 - Announcement: shadow profile of the ceiling for pennies #shower #tray #ideal In modern trends, customers want to make the tray flush with the floor, so that there are no sides and steps. Yes, we have implemented this option more than once, but there are three factors why this cannot be called the ideal option for everyone. Firstly, not everyone is ready to vote with their ruble for such a solution, because in addition to the highly desirable use of large-format porcelain tiles, it often requires raising the floor height throughout the apartment. Secondly, if the developer did not think with his head, you will have to lower the sewer outlets to the level of the ceiling. Well, thirdly, if the apartment was not originally designed with a high screed, for example, like here, you are unlikely to want to enter your home by climbing a step. And the balcony doors should open. Today we will consider a shower for ordinary apartments, such as our small one-room apartment, in which, after redevelopment, we want to arrange a shower tray quite far from the waste pipe. Let's focus on the corner of our bathroom. I consider the optimal width of the tray to be 90-100 cm, minimum 80 cm, smaller will be uncomfortable. Since here we are limited on one side by the doorway, and on the other by the sink, the basic width was taken to be approximately 90 cm. Necessary slope. The height of the tray is usually set by the required height of the drain installation in order to maintain a slope of 3 cm per meter before connecting to the waste pipe. We used an adapter, lowering the connection of the 50 mm pipe as much as possible to the floor. Then the pipe goes around the ventilation duct, using two 45-degree turns, and not one 90! The sink is also connected at an angle. And only then the shower drain is installed. But it is not the last in this chain, this two-meter 32 mm pipe laid inside the tray goes out into the corridor, where the drain of the washing machine is connected to it. Each pipe has a slope of 3 cm per meter. And do not make the slopes too large, this is not always good, with large slopes the water can tear off the water seals behind it, this is usually heard by the gurgling in the sink. Due to the large height of the drain installation, if we make the tray as a single volume and even with a side, it will look quite massive. Without a side it is better, but still visually heavy. Therefore, we formed the console, and in such a way that its far wall is not visible from any angles in everyday life. One of the options for simply forming a ledge is to use the same tongue and groove blocks that are laid in the new partition. We lay out the first row with an indent from the edge, and cover it with the second one on top, already with an edge along the width of the shower. In this way, we can easily get the niche we need, and its height can be set when laying the tiles. From normal angles, the back wall of the console is not visible, unless you kneel down and look under the edge. The tray looks like a slab stretching from one wall to another. The drain is installed almost tightly to the left wall, leaving space for tiles that fit right to the edge. If the plastic edge of the drain gets in the way, it can be trimmed. A false wall made of plasterboard is also installed so that after cladding, the tiles fit the edge of the drain. At the edge of the tray, we erect a wall that closes the drain from the third side. You will not need any small insert pieces, the drain is perfectly framed on three sides. The mixer is centered on the drain grate. First, decorative tiles are laid out, then porcelain tiles fit to them. The far wall of our shower is used as a warm wall, this time a paid one, what can you do. For a free one, watch the previous video. A piece of the heating mat goes onto the floor, forming a warm zone in which you stand and dry yourself with a towel. To save electricity, a thermostat with a Wi-Fi connection and a convenient visual schedule is used. Well, how to make such a shadow ceiling profile for pennies, what grout is better to buy and how to discreetly use natural brass I will tell you next time. I will also re