Frankfurt am Main 1956 in private film footage, taken by a US Army soldier. We see, among other things, a long driveway to the main station, the old opera, scenes from the town hall, the Eschenheimer Gate, the Paulskirche, the Römer, the cathedral, the old town on the banks of the Main and other shots, e.g. from the US Army headquarters. Inquiries: [email protected] It is possible that the footage was taken earlier than 1956. However, the original film roll is labelled Frankfurt 1956. On an advertising column you can see a poster with the name Menuhin. Yehudi Menuhin played in Frankfurt in 1951, 52, 54 (at the Filmpalast) and 1956 (Kongreßhalle). Frankfurt in West-Germany in the post war era, filmed by an American GI during 1956. The footage shows a ride to Frankfurt main station, the old opera house, the townhall, St. Paul's church, the cathedral, downtown and the Main Riverside plus additional footage from the US Army headquarters. requests: [email protected]