If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. I respond promptly. Also suggest topics for the following guides My discord Amadeus_fox. Who wants to join the clan - write, I'll add Foxhole.wiki.gg - The only up-to-date wiki Discord clan [FMAT] - discord.gg/fmat Timestamps: 00:00 - Start 00:53 - Garage 02:15 - Component mine 03:30 - Component fields. Sledgehammers, harvesters 07:07 - How to store components in a concrete mixer 08:25 - Recycler and Warehouse 10:33 - Farming Wreckages 12:06 - Crafting equipment in the garage 12:23 - MPF (Mass Production Factory) 13:40 - How to hand over a cursed box !!!!11 13:54 - Equipment modifications 14:41 - Buying equipment from clans (WarEco)