Off-road tuning for Niva and Chevrolet Niva http://nivamarket.ru ! Locks, reinforced axle shafts, cardans, drives, gearboxes and much more! AVT, Izh-Techno, VAL-racing, RIF, ComeUp, Belcard, Tirsan, Belmag, Berkut, VolodyaSPB, Andrey69 and other famous manufacturers. The entire range has been thoroughly tested on our cars, the catalog contains only proven spare parts! Competent consultations by practicing specialists, assistance in compiling a car configuration depending on operation, region and budget. - - In the Niva transfer case, one of the reasons for the large backlash is the wear of the center differential parts. There are analogs on the off-road tuning market designed to solve this problem. Andrey 69 examines in detail the four-satellite differentials produced by IzhTechno and VolodyaSPB. All the necessary off-road tuning for your Niva is here: http://nivamarket.ru/ Technical channel about modifications for Niva from Andrey69 / @Andrey69Gennadich You can support the development of the channel at the link: https://qiwi.me/67ab26f5-8eeb-4263-8b... Or to a Sberbank card: 4817 7600 3654 9008 All funds will go to improving the video recording arsenal. With media support: OffRoad Krasnodar http://4x4krasnodar.ru International NIVA CLUB http://www.niva-club.net http://vk.com/nivaclubnet https://vk.com/niva.chevrolet https://vk.com/niva_lada4x4_club VK: https://vk.com/band4x4ru Instagramm: / band4x4 Drive2: https://www.drive2.ru/r/chevrolet/niv... #нива #шний #шніва #продача #внечныйник #отдівник #офівник #офівник #офівник #офівник #офівник #мод #россін #россін #россін #форест #моністі #казка #горы #jeeping #2121 #2123 #21214 #2131 #2123 #лада4х4 #лада4x4 #niva #боданияводов #avt #avt #izh-techno #val-racing #rif #comeup #belkard #tirsan #volodyaspb #andrey69