FORMER PESUGIHAN? There are 4 Real Photos of Being Impaled by Incense Inside the ALAS PURWO CAVE! SO SHIVERS The oldest forest on the island of Java is Alas Purwo, which is located in Banyuwangi Regency, East Java. Alas Purwo has many mystical stories and is believed to be a sacred place by the local community. Actually, the Hauntedness and Mysticism of Alas Purwo, Depends on yourself, What is your Purpose for Going to Alas Purwo, If it is Positive it will have a Positive Impact on yourself, but if it is the opposite, it will have a Negative Impact if your intention in Alas Purwo is negative. and we all return to ourselves and our own self-confidence... #mysticalalaapurwo #balivillage #hinduvillage #hindutraditionbali #hindvillageinjawa #alaspurwobanyuwangi #alaspurwo #goaistana #hauntedalaspurwo