FORMATIVE EVALUATION AND COMPETENCE DEVELOPMENT The National Basic Education Curriculum, CNEB, tells us that “In contemporary pedagogical trends, the idea of evaluation has evolved significantly. It has gone from being understood as a practice centered on teaching, which graded what was right and what was wrong, and which was located only at the end of the process, to being understood as a practice centered on student learning, which provides timely feedback regarding their progress throughout the teaching and learning process. Evaluation, then, diagnoses, provides feedback and enables actions for the progress of student learning.” In this presentation, we reflect on formative assessment and the development of competencies, articulating our analysis to the complex role that teachers play in the classroom, given that they fulfill different roles with defined pedagogical purposes and intentions, on the one hand they plan and design the teaching-learning process, on the other they have to implement the planning, the design they have developed and at the same time they must evaluate the impact and the learning results they have obtained by implementing their planning, this turns evaluation into a complex process that provokes doubts and reflections. SHARE THE VIDEO, SHARE THE LINK...