The abandoned village of Ahouli, near the city of Midelt in the heart of the Atlas Mountains. We will delve into the history of this village, which was a center for extracting minerals such as lead and copper, and we will learn the stories of its inhabitants who left it after the mines stopped working. During our trip, we had an exceptional and surprising experience with the miners, especially with the brothers Moha and Mubarak, who generously hosted us despite the scarcity of resources, in an area that is not reached by any communication network. This place is also known for its precious stones that can be worth many millions. We will meet Aziz, a prospector specializing in these stones, who will bring us closer to this field. Join us to explore the beauty of nature, the magic of this forgotten place, and the unforgettable human details #Ahouli #Mi_Bladen #Midelt #Morocco #Mines #Mine #Abandoned_Village #Travel