Have you heard of a shared forest, but you haven't quite figured out what it means? Teemu Silmu, Service Manager at Finnish Investment Forests, explains the role of shared forests in the forest market. What does a shared forest mean? A shared forest is officially a shared area of real estate, and the owners of the shared forest are the owners of these shared properties. In practice, ownership shares are determined by the value of the forest that has been added to the shared forest at some point in time. A shared forest should be thought of as a model of shared forest ownership, in which the management and administration of the forest is the responsibility of an elected management board or trustee. The shareholders themselves do not actually manage or do anything concrete unless they are part of the management board. The shareholders receive full benefits from the operations of the entire shared forest in accordance with their share. The purpose of a shared forest, according to the law, is to practice sustainable forestry for the benefit of its shareholders. Read more: Finnish Investment Forests https://sijoitusmetsat.fi/palvelut/ap... yhteismetsa/