As already mentioned in previous films, the cause of certain health problems can be foreign energies that affect the human system from the outside. The film shows that these foreign energies can come from humans or non-human beings. A distinction is also made as to whether the foreign energies are of a soulful or merely structural nature. In the case of structural foreign energies, Dr. Michael Treina observes both purely mental and technical structures, including complex robot systems, in his clients. Foreign energies can disturb the people affected by not only changing selected biological processes in the body, but also patterns of thought, belief and behavior. This often results in a physical or psychological illness. The effect of such foreign energies and ways of resolving them are shown using case studies. Dr. Michael Treina (PhD) works as a management consultant, coach and psychokinesiologist. He is a researcher by nature and has spent his life trying to understand what really drives things. Over the last ten years he has learned to work with the subconscious of his clients. This enables him to better understand the deeper and non-material causes of many disorders that hinder people in their careers, their health or their happiness. In his work he discovered that the human subconscious consists of various subconscious and superconscious parts that can be addressed in a targeted manner. Many of the disorders observed today can therefore be cured on a subtle level. A significant proportion of the often very deep-seated causes are hardly ever discussed in our society; they are often even taboo. With the appropriate knowledge, people can heal and resolve much more themselves than mainstream thinking would suggest. This is partly contrary to modern teachings, be it in medicine, psychology or classical physics. The author has published his knowledge in the form of a book and teaches his knowledge and methodological know-how to interested therapists in courses. He also likes to speak directly to people in lectures to pass on his knowledge. ▬ Production ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ A production by #QS24 – your Swiss #healthtelevision Website: https://qs24.tv/ YouTube: @QS24 - Swiss health television ▬ Guest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Dr. phil. nat. Michael Treina, coach and psychokinesiologist Moderation: Rolf Glogg Broadcast number: SdL_220411-01_treina ▬ Contact & Links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TriVolution Practice for Coaching & Kinesiology Wasenhausplatz 22 CH-3011 Bern Phone: +41 (0) 32 389 56 50 E-mail: [email protected] Web:https://www.trivolution.ch/