The third generation of Ford Focus-3 cars began to install the PowerShift gearbox. Some people call it "automatic" because of the lack of a clutch pedal and automatic gear shifting, but this is not entirely correct. In essence, the powershift is a robot, i.e. a mechanical gearbox in which electronics use servo drives to shift gears. In essence, the gearbox is mechanical, and accordingly, its reliability is higher than that of an automatic one. Another important advantage of the powershift is the use of a 6-speed gearbox, which allows you to save gasoline when driving on highways when the speed is above 80 km / h. Gear shifting is very smooth and is not felt at a normal driving pace, a small jerk appears when the driver presses the gas pedal to the floor and the gear ratios change at maximum speed. A very good robot, significantly superior to similar models from competitors Volkswagen and Opel. PowerShift is economical, dynamic, the only complaint is that there is not enough additional mode or reconfiguration of the program. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Manager's Diary: / @dnevnikmenedzera174 I'm on VK: https://vk.com/id169151110 I'm on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dnevnik_men... #manager's diary #fordfocus3