For Money, You Created a Fake Marriage! Taubat ANTV Eps 89 July 02, 2018 The reporter named Citra suspects that her husband (Gilang) has a mistress. Citra then asks for help from the Taubat Team. The Taubat Team successfully uncovers a big scandal that Gilang has kept secret. Mrs. Reni, the woman who Gilang has always recognized as his mother, turns out to be his first wife. Reni and Gilang fake their identities to trap Citra and take all of Citra's wealth. In addition to facing her husband's cruelty, Citra is again tested by suffering from uterine cancer. Latest Info and Gossip Official ANTV: https://www.antvklik.com/ Promo and discount info: https://goo.gl/LKhgsw