Before giving up, we need to look for alternatives, and sometimes it's good to take a step back and look at the scenario from the outside... try to find a solution to problems and take risks. Proactivity is the magic word that sometimes keeps us on track. Otherwise, the easiest way out is to give up, and since I'm stubborn, I drove 600km to find a way to not give up on this journey. Was the price paid for this attempt really worth it? -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Support Our Partners of this Project: GIVI – www.givi.com.br TEXX – www.texx.com.br Support Our Channel Partners: TUDO PARA MOTO - www.tudoparamoto.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS10 BARATA PNEUS - www.baratapneus.com.br COUPON: GUGADIAS CARTÃO NOMAD - https://bit.ly/4aSyvQJ - link with COUPON: GUGADIAS -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Link not recommended for sensitive people: https://bit.ly/2TpSjG3 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// BECOME A SUPPORTER / MEMBER OF THE CHANNEL /// -- Consider being our supporter, join the Members Club: / @gugadiasnaestrada -- Become a Sponsor of our Series by APOIA.SE GugaFLIX: https://bit.ly/3mZ3pi8 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// WANT TO TRAVEL BY MOTORCYCLE? USE MY ITINERARIES /// -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Ushuaia Access now https://bit.ly/3ZSMi46 -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Serras & Rastros Access now https://bit.ly/3AmjfKb -- Motorcycle Travel Planning Destination: Atacama Desert Access now https://bit.ly/43h6krL -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- /// DO YOU LIKE HARD TIME? ONLY WHAT WENT WRONG ON MY TRAVELS /// -- E-BOOK TaqueoPariu - The other side of motorcycle travel Only digital version with 2 new stories and unpublished photos: https://bit.ly/3s2vpo9 -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- Follow our adventures on Instagram: @gugadiasnaestrada -------------------------------------//------------------------------------- #GIVI #TEXX #EVERYTHINGFORMOTORCYCLE #BARATAPNEUS #CARTÃONOMAD #GugaDias #DIÁRIOdeMOTOCICLCETA