The Information Center Mir Medjugorje brings the spiritual life of Medjugorje to your homes throughout the year by broadcasting the Evening Prayer Program to the world via LIVE STREAMING. Our program is currently broadcast daily in nine languages: Croatian, German, English, Italian, Spanish, French, Polish, Slovak and Russian. The Evening Prayer Program is followed daily by hundreds of thousands of people from all continents. Over the past year, our system has increased the number of visitors to the server. Because of this, interruptions and disturbances have occurred. In order to meet our technical needs, we had to increase the capacity of our server, and because of this, we were forced to incur an increase in costs. We humbly ask you for financial help in order to rent new server capacity so that our prayer program is available to everyone. To avoid any misuse, we inform all users of these services that no one, without authorization and written consent, can transmit our LIVE STREAMING program without our consent. All abuses will be reported to the authorities. All media houses interested in broadcasting the evening prayer program can send their requests for broadcasting by e-mail to [email protected] Your donations for the LIVE STREAMING program can be made via PayPal or to one of the following accounts: PAYMENT DETAILS PAYPAL: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/mirme... Company name: INFORMATIVNI CENTAR MIR MEDJUGORJE doo Čitluk Gospin trg 1, 88266 Medjugorje Bosnia and Herzegovina Identification number: 4227153560004 VAT number: 227153560004 ACCOUNTS: BANK INFORMATION: UNICREDIT BANK dd Kardinala Stepinca bb, 88000 Mostar Foreign currency account with Unicredit bank for payment in SWIFT currency: UNCRBA22XXX; IBAN: BA393380604802774622 OTP BANKA dd (account in Croatia) Domovinskog installment 61, 21000 Split Hrvatska SWIFT: OTPVHR2X; IBAN: HR0524070001100663037;